Safety protocols for MAPW students during the final examination: Spring 2020

  1. No student will be allowed to enter the faculty building 30 minutes prior to the start of the examination. 
  2. At the entrance of the faculty building the students will queue systematically and the body temperature of the students will be measured. If any student shows an alarming rate of temperature, s/he will not be allowed to take the examination.
  3. At the entrance of the faculty building the students must show their IDs and if required, their Covid vaccination cards.
  4. After entering the faculty building the students will go straight to their individual examination venues. 
  5. Students are not allowed to hang-around the department premises/ faculty building. 
  6. Only 2 students will sit in each bench (keeping adequate distance from one another).
  7. After the examinations, all students will leave the faculty building. If any student has multiple examinations, s/he will also be required to leave the classroom and re enter after the classrooms are being sanitized. 
  8. No student will be allowed to stay inside the faculty building after or in-between the exams.
  9. No student will be allowed to enter the department office premises or any of the teachers’ offices during this time.
  10. All students will be required to wear masks while staying inside the faculty building.
  11. Students will bring their own water bottles.
  12. Eating inside the faculty building is not allowed.